Sell A Regional Center Please contact me to discuss the possible sale of a regional center Name of regional center Contact name and information Optional: Completing this questionnaire now will help expedite the process of identifying a prospective purchaser. Approved geographical area of regional center Number of projects sponsored (past and present) Number of active projects sponsored Number of investors in active projects Number of people employed by the regional center Has the regional center filed form 1-956? If so, date of filing If the 1-956 was filed, was it approved? Denied RFE NOID Has the regional center filed Form I-956G? If so, what was the date of filing? What was the date of last I-924A filing? Has the regional center ever received a Notice of Intent to Terminate? If so, what was the resolution? What were the revenues of the regional center for the last three years? What are the anticipated revenues of the regional center in 2023? Has the regional center filed any form I-956F? If so, for each I-956F, indicate: Name of Project Anticipated amount of EB-5 capital raised Date of filing Status — Approved? Denied? Pending? RFE or NOID? Has the regional center filed any amendment applications? If so, have any been denied? Are any pending? Has the regional center filed any forms I-956H? If so, how many? Does the regional center work with any direct or third-party promoters? If so, how many and in what countrles? Does the regional center provide marketing services for projects it sponsors? Is any owner of the regional center not a U.S. citizen of Permanent resident? Send